Thursday, May 24, 2012


When I was a child I acknowledge that homosexuality was a thing and I knew homosexual friends of my parents and I completely acccepted the whole thing. It never even crossed my mind that it was wrong in any way. Nowadays I still don't understand why the hell it's such a bad thing.

I'm ashamed to know that Malta, my home country, can be so ignorant and far behind as to view homosexuality as anything other than just another person who happens to like the same sex. What's the big deal? Drawing on a few clichéd phrases, some say it's a choice but remind me again when you chose to be straight?

I could never understand people's preoccupation with criticising everything and everyone with malicious intent. It's the same thing with tattoos, piercings, different religions, clothes, hair colour, dietary choices, etc ... At which point does someone's life become so boring and empty that the only enjoyment they can get from it is by drowning other people's happiness and calling it wrong?

One of the stupidest things I've ever heard in terms of homophobia and whatnot is that it can be "cured". Like it's some sort of disease. Worst of all however is that it can be cured with prayer. What the fuck? Now I am in no way a religious person but even when I used to try praying to what I thought was a real entity, I still hated the idea that bigotry was a leading protagonist of belief.

As a final note I'd like to add that I'm not homosexual myself but I do have homosexual friends and, to be honest, I couldn't give a crap if they were homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual, transsexual or whatever. They're people. If anything I respect homosexual people more because they had the courage to come out and look for happiness in a world that is sadly not as ready to accept them as it should be.

It's just sickening that homophobia is a thing. It reminds me that the world has a long fucking way to go. Live and let live.

Good morning, the interwebz.


  1. I hate homophobia, but I also hate the other extreme. Gay pride displays and all that crap only serves to make that dividing line even clearer. There are even people that say they 'love gay people, they're all so nice!' The way I look at it is that people can be nice or gits. Their sexuality has absolutely nothing to do with it. This is an asshole of a guy who happens to be gay. Here's a nice person who's straight. Here's someone gay who's a nice guy. I wish we'd look at people as people and not as categories.

    1. That's my point. As I said "They're people." Nothing more, nothing less.

  2. freekish idiot i must say u'r skills have improved

    1. Why thank you anonymous person who seems to know my hotmail account name from way back when.
