Tuesday, April 26, 2011

You cut your hair!?! (and other subjects)

Yes. I cut my hair.

It's been over a month now, yet people who knew of my glorious curls are still acting incredulously when faced with this harsh reality. People have asked me how it feels now, I believe I've finally managed to sum it up this afternoon by referring to it as a sort of "second circumcision". Granted the analogy didn't quite make it's point because the person I was directing it at was a young woman; but it's validity stands true nonetheless.

I can't pretend that I really want to speak about my hair. This post is really about feeling ashamed that I have let my blog go. I could go on trying to justify why I did and apologising to all 4 of my readers, but I doubt they're fucked and it's a good thing too, because neither am I.

My exams start on Saturday and preparation isn't one of my strong points. In fact, the only thing weaker than my ability to prepare is my ability to fly unaided by modern technology. I'm sure I'll be able to figure shit out as I go along though, I tend to do that. I'm also sure that I'll be updating my blog every now and then during the exams due to an overflow of frustration; which, last time I checked, was the main fuel behind most of these posts.

Until then you can look forward to the same nothing you've been seeing during February, March and most of April. OH! Speaking of April, I turned 19 on the 9th. Yay me.


Good night the interwebz.

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