Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Twelfth Night?

Being busy does suit me very well as long as it requires no real particular effort on my part. Playing guitar for long periods of time may be considered work to some, but it's a pleasure for me - that is, when I don't have to actually do it forcefully. Unfortunately, getting paid to play guitar does just that.

I am being paid quite handsomely to play 4 songs for a production of a play by some relatively unheard of playwright by the name of William Shakespeare. Ordinarily, this wouldn't bother me, but this week is the infamous "Tech Week" and that means that it might border on bothering me after all. I will show up for rehearsals with varying degrees of punctuality and play my heart out every time, or shall I? What with the worst sunburn I've had in years and a guitar strap digging into the very same shoulders that look like they've been left on the grill for too long, I might be disinclined to enjoy this week as much as I'd want to.

Fortunately for me, every single person who is involved with this play (including special mention of the director, Dave Barton) is awesome. They are all a joy to share this torturous week with and, to be honest, most of them have it a lot worse than me. I wouldn't be able to remember lines for shit, let alone know what half the stage directions actually mean. It is an honour to be working with such awe-inspiring people ... I just hope the heat and general discomfort don't dampen the wonderful experience.

I find it amusing that the 12th night I shall be spending in these people's company will indeed be the first performance night. Coincidence? Most probably. Does that make it any less awesome? No.

Good Afternoon,

The Interwebz

P.S. - Do humour this Shakespeare fellow and come see his play, I'm sure he'd be delighted, whoever he is.


  1. Hmmm.... had we known you'd deemed your fee for playing 4 songs "handsome", we would have negotiated!! ;-) Apologies for turning your pleasure into a burden - glad you're enjoying the company AND the production, at least! lol
    Nanette Brimmer
    (I'm just another of those obscure "unheard of" people....whoever they are...)

  2. Not really a burden, more of a job of sorts. Don't be unsettled by my writing, I tend to write like more of an arsehole than I am allowed to be in real life. It's a brilliant time, regardless of discomfort, I assure you.
