I remember watching it all for the first time and thinking, "Oh Christ!" The storyline is just so complex that they must have been on drugs while writing about this man who has this complex life while himself on a mix on narcotics. David Duchovny has also come a bloody long way from his X Files days. The intensity that the actor (whose previous big job had it in the contract that he had to know how to portray absolutely no emotion) manages to show while acting drunk, high, sex-crazed, broken-hearted, etc ... is just incredible. He is an out of work writer, go figure; his love life is completely incomprehensible; and his daughter is a carbon copy of the dysfunction that his relationship with her mother fiercely exudes.
The first time I saw it, had I not been in the midst of a fast blooming relationship, I would have probably related to his character to the point of following his footsteps. Especially since he ends up trying his hand at lecturing, which is what I ultimately see myself doing. Not to mention writing which I also want to dabble in as a semi-profession. Had it not been for the wife, I'd be in my own world fuelled by alcohol, drugs and sex. Or rather, I'd be consuming copious amounts of alcohol while trying not to OD all the while looking for sex. Oh yes, he also smokes all the time.
In the end, the part of his character which I really relate to is that fact that even when everything seems to point towards him being a soulless husk of a man, he still means well. He is an idiot and a complete child, of course, but who isn't in this day and age? I know that some of the best people on our lovely yet dying planet are either insane or incarcerated as we speak. It is a pity that the real murderer of society isn't lack of control, as all the people in control want us to think, it is in fact the suppression of talent and creativity. It is true that there are many people who think they are talented who just make you cringe, but in the end the brilliant people have all made many people cringe before they were recognised as geniuses.
On that note and before I start on a rant that will last forever,
Good afternoon the interwebz
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