Thursday, April 15, 2010

"Anger is a short madness." - Horace

I'm pissed off and this is my outlet.

As many of my friends can tell you, things get to me. Often I turn these sporadic annoyances into humorous rants and outbursts however, today, this isn't the case. I am in the worst mood I have been in for a few days and, knowing my near bipolar nature, that is quite a feat.

It gets to me when I know things are just fucking useless. Anything from organised religion to claims of unbiased judgement. Yes, I am going to judge people who have proven to be worth nothing more than a sack of puss in the past. Yes, I know I "shouldn't" but in the end, who gives a fuck what I "should" and "shouldn't" do? If a particular friend is happy with making what I view as a huge mistake, no one can expect me to just stand by, grit my teeth and let it slide. That just isn't happening.

Also, stop inviting me to these pointless events which I'm never attending. Honestly? Youth masses? Lenten talks? Mink level 2 parties? SKY Club parties? Open bar at AXIS? What the fuck? If you knew me, you wouldn't bother. If you didn't know me, then why the fuck would you invite me anyway? Is it that you need more names on your bloody list? You can take your ill-advised, generic and popularly ignored invitations and stick them up all of your respective arses.

What with health problems, home issues, mental dilemmas and relationship paradoxes, I shouldn't have to put up with all this shit. The breaking down is also a lovely bonus. If I had to choose between being a cold, useless, mainstream cunt like most people on this useless rock we are forced to call home and being me, guess who I'd choose.


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