Thursday, November 17, 2011

"Anonymity" - Anon

This is something I understand yet, at the same time, don't really get. I'm also going to ignore the irony of asking people who comment to use their names and then getting an Anon asking me to write about "Anonymity".

Anonymity is something that has taken on it's own identity -pun unintended, yet very welcome- at the rise of the internet, specifically forums and comment sections. There are legions of Anons trolling all over the place, but that's not what I'm here to talk about.

The notion of 'anonymity' itself irks me. We all have identities, why squander them? I am a firm believer that every person is an individual and, as such, has the right to develop and show off their identity. Celebrate individuality, and don't hide behind the clichéd mask of the "Anon" label.

Of course, many take comfort in anonymity because when we feel we can't be identified, we tend to be able to act and say things in ways that we would not do out in the open. Hence all the hatred on the aforementioned forums and comment sections. The shit underneath Youtube videos, for example, is simply staggering. I call this false courage.

I refuse to hide behind a mask and, when possible, make it very clear that it is me who is commenting. I comment in my name and, if I need a username, be sure that the profile behind it tells you exactly who I am. This may sound arrogant, but I have an identity and it took me years to hone it, and I am bloody proud of it - scars and all.

I will leave you with a quote from -in my humble opinion- one of the greatest graphic novels/films of all time:

"Who are you?"

"Who? Who is but the form following what ... And what I am is a man in a mask."

"I can see that."

"Of course you can. I'm not questioning your powers of observation; I'm merely remarking on the paradox of asking a masked man who he is."

On that note, I realise that it is quite futile of me to expect people hiding behind the "Anon" mask to leave their names at the end of their comments, but I still wish they did.

Good afternoon, the interwebz

[Bonus points to whoever guesses where the quote is from]


  1. V for Vendetta - spot on

  2. OMG i'm anonymous!! this means i am not utilizing my identity and giving up on my right to show off my personality!! oh no!! >.<

    btw, you do realise that EVERYONE who comments is going to make him/herself anonymous to annoy you, just like i'm doing? :P

  3. Tghid jien kont l-annoymous? hmmm... :P :P :P

    Anonymous above me is quite right :P

  4. I don't get get why you have such a problem with people being anonymous. So what if they want to remain so?

    good blog though :)

  5. You're all cunts, you know that, right?

  6. Suggestion: Inspiration. Anonymous.
