Tuesday, October 25, 2011


The two most human of traits that are different yet work together to make someone an arsehole. I've actually often explained these two to my students so this is going to be fun for me. Sort of like a revision of sorts.

Envy isn't really that bad within itself. It just makes you want what you don't have when others have it instead. I think a little envy isn't so bad. It makes you strive to be better, even if for the wrong reasons. Say you get a 55 in an important exam and that dick you can't stand gets an 80, you will be envious of his mark and hopefully try hard to actually get better. That is a very simplistic and student-induced example. The negative side of this is pretty much what Steve Jobs was going for. He makes people buy pretty things that cost money, and then other people see them and realise that they don't have them. They get envious and they buy the same and better all in the name of envy. Capitalism pretty much thrives on this so-called "deadly sin".

Jealousy is the bad one. It's the destructive one. The one that rears its head in many relationships and ends up crushing most. The one that we have to warn our kids about. Geddit? Jealousy is inherently not having something yourself so you destroy anyone else's. Let me explain. Imagine I have a better phone than you and you get jealous. You won't give a shit about having it yourself, you just don't want me to have it any more. Quite a little bitch this one. In a relationship it takes on a whole new meaning with its bared, gnashing teeth and animalistic growling. Let's say a jealous girlfriend sees her boyfriend talking to the attractive girl she hates because she's already envious of her (but more on the fusion of them later). She will act in such a way that will make the boyfriend regret and want to forget the friendship with the former girl. Jealous guys are worse, however. Jealous guys can and will resort to violence. I know because at one point I was warped into a jealous cunt and I had actually resorted to threats and violence at points before I realised what I was doing and thankfully ended the whole nonsensical fiasco.

How do they go hand in hand? Easy. Envy will feed jealousy or vice versa according to circumstance. Imagine the boy/girl scenario again. The girlfriend has always looked at a particular other girl and wanted what she had. Maybe nicer tits, maybe a tighter arse, you name it and a girl's insecurities will have picked up on it already. If the poor boyfriend is even seen near the enviable girl, his testes are in proper danger. The girlfriend's envy will fuel the worse kind of jealousy.

What I have realised through my few years of life and experience is that girls are probably more riddled with envy while guys are very prone to jealousy. It is no secret that most women suffer from low self-esteem and image issues so it takes no genius to make the obvious link. Men, on the other hand, are proud and full of that hideous thing commonly referred to as machismo. They don't care about wanting what the others have, they just want to be top dog. They will destroy anyone and anything in their path, if needs be. Girlfriend getting attention from another guy? Regardless of whether they are good-looking or ugly as hell, they will want to kill him.

This post is riddled with stereotypical assumptions and sweeping statements, of course. I could be all wrong about them, but I don't think I am. Stereotypes have to come from somewhere right?

Good morning, the interwebz

[oh and cheers for the comments and suggestions, keep them coming.]


  1. At first I thought you were simply commenting on my flawless writing. Then I realised it's a title suggestion. =p

  2. I can so relate to this post! I was super jealous at one point in my life and I hope I'll never feel like that ever again!! One of the worst feelings in the world!!

    Well done by the way I'm loving the blogs :)
